
Monthly Archives: February 2012

Here’s a list of natural remedies for acne that are gentle on your skin and address underlying causes – without all the toxic side effects:

Eat a whole foods diet.
Drink plenty of water to help flush out toxins.
Take a supplement high in gamma-linoleic-acid (GLA).
Giving the skin lots of time in the fresh air without any cosmetics on will help keep the skin clear.
Use natural cosmetics as this is gentler on the face.
Use an oil based cleanser – this will actually gently cleanse the skin and then remove any excess oil when rinsed off.
Use a natural tonic astringent, such as an herbal vinegar.
8. Using an herb that supports the liver, such as milk thistle, helps to eliminate excess hormones from the system. Milk thistle also eases the effects of poor eating habits and allergies. These are some of the major causes of teenage acne.

9. Anti inflammatory herbs and astringent herbs such as lavender, chamomile, rosepetals and calendula work great in a facial steam. These will cleanse, soothe, and repair the DRY skin.

10. For OILY skin use calendula, rosemary, sage and witch hazel in a facial steam.

11. Fruits such as

contain alpha hydroxy acids which are wonderful for exfoliating the skin and cleansing. Mash the fruit of your choice and add a bit of cosmetic clay or cornstarch to help the mashed fruit stick to face. Wash off after a few minutes.

12. A hot chamomile tea bag used as a compress draws out much dirt and debris. Apply directly to blemish. Use only as hot as skin will allow.

13. Tea tree oil diluted half and half with apple cider vinegar. Mix a bit of this in with some kaolin clay or cornstarch and apply the paste to the blemish. Leave on overnight. This will dry out the pimple.

14. Essential oils such as Young Living’s Purification essential oil blend applied directly to the blemish.

By master herbalist Diane Van Doesburg.

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