
Tag Archives: autumn

“It is a crazy autumn night
Mystic and rainy
I see broken hearts many!!”


“It feels empty
Cold, stiff and blue
Yet, bleeds red. ”


Reliving childhood
Colours that I missed
Alphabets and numbers too!!


In real life you don’t rehearse,
You are always on stage
Applauded or silence you get


In balcony garden
Fair and pretty
A jasmine maiden

Bengali Women

All about Bengali Women.

তৈমুর রেজা

বিভিন্ন ডিসিপ্লিনে অনধিকার-চর্চার ব্লগ


real taste

Strictly Holistic

Bringing balance to your busy world

Art of Appreciation Gourmet Gift Baskets

Luxury touches, affordable prices.

dollop natural bodycare

Paraben free aromatherapy skin care

Bloom Room SF Blog


A fine site


Where reality bends to Wholeness Wonder of the Week

Natural treats just for you!

The Honey Cottage

Do You Know Where Your Honey Comes From? We Do!

Herbal Living


My Digital Kitchen

Healthy choices that your palate will savour but your tummy won't regret.

Ironwoman Dreams

If I can do this, anyone can.